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Re: guz móżdżku - linki?

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Data: 2003-11-20 17:22:39
Temat: Re: guz móżdżku - linki?
Od: "andrzej głowacki" <>
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> Użytkownik "Agata" napisał:
> [...]

Może poniższy fragment słowniczka okaże się pomocny w poszukiwaniu

Pozdrawiam, andrzej


cerebellar: 1 : of, relating to, or affecting the cerebellum 2 : caused by
disease of the cerebellum

cerebellar hemangioblastoma: A hemangioblastoma of the cerebellum, often

cerebellar tumor: A tumor of the cerebellum.

cerebellopontine angle: (noun) : a region of the brain at the junction of
the pons and cerebellum that is a frequent site of tumor formation

cerebellum: This part of the brain coordinates body movements.

cerebellum blastoma: Cerebellum: The portion of the brain in the back of the
head between the cerebrum and the brain stem. Blastoma: A tumor thought to
arise in embryonic tissue. The term "blastoma" is commonly used as part of
the name for a tumor as, for examples, in glioblastoma and medulloblastoma
(types of brain tumors), hepatoblastoma (a liver tumor), nephroblastoma (
Wilms tumor of the kidney), neuroblastoma (a childhood tumor of neural
origin), osteoblastoma (a bone tumor) and retinoblastoma (a tumor of the

cerebellum tumor: See Cerebellum. See Tumor.



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