Strona główna Grupy pl.sci.psychologia Świństwo Re: Świństwo


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Re: Świństwo

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From: medea <>
Newsgroups: pl.sci.psychologia
Subject: Re: Świństwo
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 14:02:22 +0200
Organization: TP -
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Xref: pl.sci.psychologia:453924
Ukryj nagłówki

Saulo pisze:

> have any effect, even at high doses. It is a great fear among the staff.
> The infection risk is very high among the doctors and health staff.

Nie ma jednak przypadku zachorowania wśród obsługi szpitalnej?

Słyszałam, że najbardziej zagrożeni są, jak zwykle zresztą, ludzie
niedożywieni i słabi.

> There is a sense of chaos in the other hospitals and we do not know what
> to do. Staff are starting to leave and many are opting to retire or
> apply for holidays. The truth is that mortality is even higher than what
> is being reported by the authorities, at least in the hospital where I
> work it. It is killing three to four patients daily, and it has been
> going on for more than three weeks. It is a shame and there is great
> fear here. Increasingly younger patients aged 20 to 30 years are dying
> before our helpless eyes and there is great sadness among health
> professionals here.
> Antonio Chavez, Mexico City"

Nie brzmi to najweselej, niestety.



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