Strona główna Grupy pl.misc.dieta jablko-ile procent wody


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jablko-ile procent wody

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1. Data: 2006-03-31 16:22:19

Temat: jablko-ile procent wody
Od: "a" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora

Ile jablko ma procent wody?

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2. Data: 2006-03-31 21:11:37

Temat: Re: jablko-ile procent wody
Od: " Jeff" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora

a <> napisał(a):

> Witam
> Ile jablko ma procent wody?

Zalezy jakie jablko, np. suszone ma duzo mniej wody anizeli swieze albo jablko
z kompotu. Ale dokladnie niestety tez nie wiem.

ps. Tutaj na pewno jednak ktos wie, wiec prosze poczekac.


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3. Data: 2006-03-31 22:37:16

Temat: Re: jablko-ile procent wody
Od: Marcin 'Cooler' Kuliński <m...@p...gazeta.blah> szukaj wiadomości tego autora

Jeff pisze:

>>Ile jablko ma procent wody?
> Zalezy jakie jablko, np. suszone ma duzo mniej wody anizeli swieze albo jablko
> z kompotu. Ale dokladnie niestety tez nie wiem.
> ps. Tutaj na pewno jednak ktos wie, wiec prosze poczekac.


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4. Data: 2006-03-31 23:49:56

Temat: Re: jablko-ile procent wody
Od: " Jeff" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora

Marcin 'Cooler' Kuliński <m...@p...gazeta.blah> napisał(a):

> Jeff pisze:
> >>Witam
> >>Ile jablko ma procent wody?
> >
> >
> > Zalezy jakie jablko, np. suszone ma duzo mniej wody anizeli swieze albo jablk
> o
> > z kompotu. Ale dokladnie niestety tez nie wiem.
> >
> > ps. Tutaj na pewno jednak ktos wie, wiec prosze poczekac.

> Ech...

ml dobra...

Zawartosc skladnikow odzywczych i wody w 100g jablka:

Woda: 4 - 79g

Wit. B1: 0.05 - 0.08mg

Wit. A: 1mg

Wit. B2: 0.08 - 0.1mg

Wit. (B3): 0.5 - 0.8mg

Weglowodany: 23.71g

Zelazo: 0.7mg

Proteiny: 1 - 4.3g

Cynk: 0.2 - 2.7mg

Magnez: 32 - 88mg

Miedz: 2.4mg

Potas: 250 - 578mg

Sod: 4 - 14mg

Wapn: 17 - 22mg

Wit. C: 22 - 43mg

Blonnik: 1 - 3.2g

Kalorie: 76 - 96cal


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5. Data: 2006-04-01 13:43:22

Temat: Re: jablko-ile procent wody
Od: "Sowa" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora

Użytkownik " Jeff" <> napisał w wiadomości

> Zawartosc skladnikow odzywczych i wody w 100g jablka:

> Woda: 4 - 79g
> Wit. B1: 0.05 - 0.08mg
> Wit. A: 1mg
> Wit. B2: 0.08 - 0.1mg
> Wit. (B3): 0.5 - 0.8mg
> Weglowodany: 23.71g
> Zelazo: 0.7mg
> Proteiny: 1 - 4.3g
> Cynk: 0.2 - 2.7mg
> Magnez: 32 - 88mg
> Miedz: 2.4mg
> Potas: 250 - 578mg
> Sod: 4 - 14mg
> Wapn: 17 - 22mg
> Wit. C: 22 - 43mg
> Blonnik: 1 - 3.2g
> Kalorie: 76 - 96cal

Zaiste, zabójcza mieszanka!

Edyta Czyż
// varium et mutabile semper femina // Wergiliusz

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6. Data: 2006-04-01 14:37:26

Temat: Re: jablko-ile procent wody
Od: " Jeff" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora

Sowa <> napisał(a):

> Zaiste, zabójcza mieszanka!

Nooo...i jak taki trujacy owoc mozna bylo uznac za leczniczy?

.... to na pewno znowu ta bezwzgledna mafia farmaceutyczno-medyczna
podplacila te badania ktore ponizej podaje...

..przepraszam Panstwa ...ale zmuszony jestem zacytowac tekst, ktory znalazlem
na tych paskudnie zasyfionych stronach angielsko-jezycznych...

..brrry....coz to za oszusci.... i popatrzmy coz ta ciemnota naukowa amerykanska wypisuja:


(Jablka faktycznie sa dobre dla ciebie....hahahahaha....czyzby?)

Eating fresh apples is always good for you, but to get the full nutritional
benefits associated with eating apples you should eat at least one fresh apple
every day. The average U.S. consumer eats about 19 pounds of fresh apples a
year &#8212; about one apple per week. Ongoing consumer attitude tracking in nine
major markets across the United States has shown that Washington apples remain
number one as far as consumers are concerned. According to a one report, 56
percent of those surveyed named Washington as the brand they look for when
buying apples.

Lower blood cholesterol, improved bowel function, reduced risk of stroke,
prostate cancer, type II diabetes and asthma.

(podobno obnizaja cholesterol, poprawiaja funkcjonowanie jelit, obnizaja
ryzyko wylewu, nowotworow, diabetyzmu typu II i cos podobnego,
co to za bzdury !)

The disease-fighting profile of apples provides a multitude of health
benefits, including a potential decreased risk of cancer and heart disease.
Several recent studies suggest apples may provide a "whole-body" health benefit.

A number of components in apples, most notably fiber and phytonutrients have
been found in studies to lower blood cholesterol and improve bowel function,
and may be associated with a reduced risk of ischemic heart disease, stroke,
prostate cancer, type II diabetes and asthma. Preliminary research from
Finland indicates diets with the highest intake of apple phytonutrients were
associated with a 46 percent reduction in the incidence of lung cancer.
Findings indicate that two apples a day or 12 ounces of 100% apple juice
reduced the damaging effects of the &#8220;bad&#8221; LDL cholesterol.

- Interpoma 2002 Conference, Bolzano, Italy
- Dianne Hyson, Ph.D., M.S., R.D., University of California-Davis

(nie wierze !!....te powyzsze badania sa na pewno przeplacone....)

( prewencja w chorobach nowotworowych..???...akurat ...he, he, he ...idioci !)

Over the past four years, apple consumption has been linked with reduced
cancer risk in several studies. A 2001 Mayo Clinic study indicated that
quercetin, a flavonoid abundant in apples, helps prevent the growth of
prostate cancer cells. A Cornell University study indicated phytochemicals in
the skin of an apple inhibited the reproduction of colon cancer cells by 43
percent. The National Cancer Institute has reported that foods containing
flavonoids like those found in apples may reduce the risk of lung cancer by as
much as 50 percent.

&#8212; Carcinogenesis (March, 2001)
&#8212; Nature (June, 2000)
&#8212; Journal of the National Cancer Institute (January, 2000)

(yhmmm.....a kto by w takie durne badania wierzyl...bezczelne palanty..!)


(Zdrowie pluc??? to juz naprawde gruba przesada,
szyta dratwa szwewska,a nie zwyklymi nawet nicmi ...fuj!)

Two recent British studies indicated that eating apples can improve lung
health. A study of Welsh men indicated that people who ate at least five
apples per week experience better lung function. Researchers at the University
of Nottingham reported that those who ate five apples per week also had a
lower risk for respiratory disease. In the Netherlands at the University of
Groningen, apples were singled out as a fruit that could cut smokers&#8217; risk of
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) in half. Scientists believe
antioxidants found in apples may ward off disease by countering oxygen&#8217;s
damaging effects on the body.

&#8212; American Thoracic Society Meeting (May, 2001)
&#8212;Thorax (January, 2000)

(..i jeszcze ci bezczelni naukowi oszusci badania zrobili aby to klamstwo
..coz za zlosliwa przewrotnosc !!)


(zapobiega(to jablko ?) chorobom serca i wylewom....yhmmmm....hahahahaha...
kon by sie usmial !!)

A Finnish study published in 1996 showed that people who eat a diet rich in
flavonoids have a lower incidence of heart disease. Other studies indicate
that flavonoids may help prevent strokes.

&#8212;The British Medical Journal (1996)

(spadek wagi ?....ciekawe w jaki sposob jak tyle w nim jest wegli ?
Ewidentni d e b i l e !!!... z ktorymi nie ma nawet co dyskutowac, bo maja
niedorozwiniete mozgi !)

Apples are a delicious source of dietary fiber, and dietary fiber helps aid
digestion and promotes weight loss. A medium apple contains about five grams
of fiber, more than most cereals. Also, apples contain almost zero fat and
cholesterol, so they are a delicious snack and dessert food that&#8217;s good for


(ooooo.... znowu...ani mi sie nawet tego czytac juz nie chce...)

Researchers at the University of California-Davis recently reported that
apples and apple juice may help protect arteries from harmful plaque build-up.
In the first study conducted in humans, adults who added two apples, or 12
ounces of 100% apple juice, to their daily diet demonstrated a significant
slowing of the cholesterol oxidation process that leads to plaque build-up -
thereby giving the body more time to rid itself of cholesterol before it can
cause harm.

New Study Finds Consuming Apple Juice Associated With Brain Health In Older

(Jablka poprawiaja pamiec?? ...No tego to juz za wiele....!)

LOWELL, MASS. (January 19, 2006) &#8211; &#8220;An apple a day&#8221; now has new
meaning for
those who want to maintain mental dexterity as they age. New research from
the University of Massachusetts Lowell suggests that consuming apple juice may
protect against cell damage that contributes to age-related memory loss, even
in test animals that were not prone to developing Alzheimer&#8217;s disease and
other dementias.

&#8220;This new study suggests that eating and drinking apples and apple juice, in
conjunction with a balanced diet, can protect the brain from the effects of
oxidative stress &#8211; and that we should eat such antioxidant-rich foods,&#8221;
lead researcher Thomas B. Shea, Ph.D ., director of the University of
Massachusetts Lowell&#8217;s Center for Cellular Neurobiology and Neurodegeneration
Research, whose study was just published in the latest issue of the Journal of
Alzheimer&#8217;s Disease. Although more research is needed, Shea is excited about
these brain health findings, which are encouraging for all individuals who are
interested in staying mentally sharp as they age.

Using a well-established animal protocol, Shea and his research colleagues
assessed whether consumption of apple juice was protective against oxidative
brain damage in aging mice, damage that can lead to memory loss. &#8220;These newer
findings show that there is something in apples and apple juice that protects
brain cells in normal aging, much like the protection we previously saw
against Alzheimer-like symptoms,&#8221; says Shea.

The researchers evaluated adult and aged mice using a standard diet, a
nutrient-deficient diet, and a nutrient-deficient diet supplemented with apple
juice concentrate in drinking water. Although the adult mice tested were not
affected negatively by the deficient diets, the aged mice were, which is
consistent with normal aging due to oxidative neurodegeneration. The effect on
cognition among the aged mice was measured through well-established maze
tests, followed by an examination of brain tissue. However, the aged mice who
consumed the diets supplemented with apple juice performed significantly
better on the maze tests and all had less oxidative brain damage than those on
the standard diet.

Supplementation by apple juice fully protected the aged mice from the
oxidative stress caused by the nutrient-deficient diet. In addition, stronger
mental acuity resulted when the aged mice consumed the human equivalent of 2-3
cups of apple juice or approximately 2-4 apples per day. &#8220;We believe that
this effect is due to the apple&#8217;s naturally high level of antioxidants,&#8221;
states Shea. Previous research with his colleagues also determined that it is
not the sugar and energy content of the apple juice, but the antioxidant
attributes of apple juice that are responsible for the positive effects. kwadratu!11

No i jak mozna tak ludzi oklamywac ?

Chamstwo i nic naukowcy!


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7. Data: 2006-04-01 16:31:22

Temat: Re: jablko-ile procent wody
Od: Filip KK <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora

Użytkownik Jeff napisał:

>> Zaiste, zabójcza mieszanka!
> Nooo...i jak taki trujacy owoc mozna bylo uznac za leczniczy?
Ktos polozyl na to lape, polecialy grube pieniadze a jeszcze grubsze sie
zwroca, zobaczymy w jakich produktach przetworzonych z jablek na rynek

/Pozdrawiam, Filip/ - gg: 11062
Silver MKIV: 1.9 TDI-PD, GTI - Elf evolution sxr
President Herbert + Lemm At-71

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8. Data: 2006-04-01 17:26:42

Temat: Re: jablko-ile procent wody
Od: Marcin 'Cooler' Kuliński <m...@p...gazeta.blah> szukaj wiadomości tego autora

Filip KK pisze:

>>Nooo...i jak taki trujacy owoc mozna bylo uznac za leczniczy?
> Ktos polozyl na to lape, polecialy grube pieniadze a jeszcze grubsze sie
> zwroca, zobaczymy w jakich produktach przetworzonych z jablek na rynek
> amerykanski...

W jabolach.

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9. Data: 2006-04-01 20:37:30

Temat: Re: jablko-ile procent wody
Od: "Krystyna*Opty*" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora

Użytkownik "Marcin 'Cooler' Kuliński" <m...@p...gazeta.blah> napisał w
wiadomości news:e0kav6$7v5$
> Ech...

Mam pytanie. Może wiesz, czy zawartość jabłek w tym linku obejmuje również
zawartość pestek, czy tylko sam miąższ?


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10. Data: 2006-04-01 21:01:19

Temat: Re: jablko-ile procent wody
Od: Are <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora

a napisał(a):


"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" :-)

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