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Re: !!! Bol glowy - prosze o powazne listy !!!!

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From: (Andkomor)
Newsgroups: pl.sci.medycyna
Subject: Re: !!! Bol glowy - prosze o powazne listy !!!!
Lines: 151
Date: 29 Mar 2000 20:46:31 GMT
References: <>
Organization: AOL
Message-ID: <>
Xref: pl.sci.medycyna:25747
Ukryj nagłówki

>Od dluzszego czasu (okolo 8 lat) mam bardzo silne bole glowy.
>Lekarze nazywaja to migrena, stres, nerwica, depresja etc.
Nie jestem lekarzem ale wiem , ze moze byc to wywolane roznymi przyczynam.
(Yahoo pd haslem Headache (bol glowy)
jest wiele na ten temat. Musis dprzeczytac i dobrac symptomy jakie masz z tym
co podaja tam dla roznych przypadkow.

Jesli meczy cie to od lat to musisz poswiecic swoj czas i samemu rozp[oznac co
to moze byc i dopiero wtedy porozmawiac z lekarzem. Jesli nawet nie znasz
angielsciego to warto usiasc ze slownikiem.
W Stanach sa stowarzyszenia poswiecone bolowi glowy. a oto ich lista:
American Association for the Study of Headache - professional society of health
care providers dedicated to the study and treatment of headache.
American Council for Headache Education (ACHE) - provides education,
information, and support for headache suffers and their families.
Headache Network for Primary Care - dedicated to the understanding and
advancement of improved headache care through research, education, and
Help for Headaches - educational & support services to headache and migraine
sufferers through newsletters, support groups, counselling, referrals,
conferences, and presentations.
National Headache Foundation - volunteer, non-profit group established by a
group of physicians to assist headache suffers and healthcare professionals,
and to increase public awareness about the debilitating nature of headaches.
World Cervicogenic Headache Society - organization of healthcare professionals
devoted to relieving the pain of patients suffering from headaches originating
in the neck.

Dodatkowo podaje ci wstep do informacji z Yahoo:
Common causes
Tension headache is a common headache pattern that may or may not be associated
with psychosocial stressors. Tension headaches are characterized by:
pain usually felt in the back of the head and neck, and usually not one-sided.
pain that lasts for weeks or months with only brief periods of relief, although
it may fluctuate in severity.
attacks that begin at any time of the day.
pain that is often described as a "tight band," pressing, but rarely throbbing,
and never accompanied by fever.
Migraine headaches, which are often preceded by fatigue, depression, and visual
disturbance (light flash, loss of peripheral vision, etc.), are characterized

pain that is characteristically only on one side at a time, but may involve the
entire head.
pain that is throbbing in nature and usually develops in the morning and
gradually worsens after an hour or so.
attacks that may occur every few days or weeks, or not for months. Migraines
often continue for hours, but rarely last longer than a day or two.
pain that may be aggravated by stress, alcohol, or certain foods such as
chocolate and are frequently accompanied by nausea and vomiting and relieved by
having a family history of migraine headaches.
Cluster headaches, which are a variation of the migraine, are characterized by:

pain that occurs mostly in men, while typical migraines are more common in
pain that is often situated behind an eye and usually the same eye.
pain that comes on very suddenly and without warning.
pain that peaks within 5 to 10 minutes and disappears in less than an hour.
pain that is often triggered by alcohol.
pain that will awaken a person from sleep and occur several times a day for
weeks and then stop.
Inflamed sinuses (acute sinusitis or chronic sinusitis) are characterized by:

pain that usually begins during or after a bad cold, particularly if there is
postnasal drip.
pain that it is localized to one specific area of the face or head, and comes
on very quickly.
pain that is worse in the morning before the mucus has had an opportunity to
pain that it is made worse by coughing, sneezing, or sudden movements of the
pain that it is aggravated by alcohol, sudden temperature changes, and during
cold seasons, going from a warm room out into the cold.
a history of hay fever and allergies.
Temporal arteritis is characterized by:

pain that occurs mostly in people over age 50
pain that is aggravated by chewing
impaired vision
aches and pains all over the body
the presence of a fever
weight loss
Other common causes include:

benign headache
common cold
hangover (alcohol withdrawal)
head injury
head or neck infection NOT involving the brain (ear infection, mastoiditis,
pharyngitis, or sinusitis)
medications such as indomethacin, nitrates, and vasodilators
premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
tooth abscess
withdrawal from caffeine, ergotamine, sympathomimetic drugs, or other
withdrawal from street drugs
Rare causes include:

cerebral aneurysm
brain tumor
Note: There may be other causes of headaches. This list is not all inclusive,
and the causes are not presented in order of likelihood. The causes of this
symptom can include unlikely diseases and medications. Furthermore, the causes
may vary based on age and gender of the affected person, as well as on the
specific characteristics of the symptom such as location, quality, time course,
aggravating factors, relieving factors, and associated complaints. Use the
Symptom Analysis option to explore the possible explanations for headaches,
occurring alone or in combination with other problem
Home care
Over-the-counter pain medications are often effective headache relievers. Avoid
giving aspirin or other salicylates to children, because of the risk of Reye's
syndrome and other disorders.

A massage or heat applied to the back of the upper neck can be effective in
relieving tension headaches.

Headaches may be relieved by resting with the eyes closed and head supported,
or by relaxation techniques such as meditation.

Call your health care provider if
(Serious, see the health care provider promptly!):
the headache comes on suddenly and is expolosive or violent.
the headache gets worse over time or is associated with visual difficulties,
slurring of speech, problems in moving arms or legs, or similar problems.
the headache is associated with fever and a very stiff neck.
the headache is associated with head injury.
the headache is the worst you have ever had and comes on suddenly.
(See the health care provider soon, but not emergency):

the headache has persisted more than a few days.
the headaches are worse in the morning, no other symptoms are present.
you have headaches frequently and there is no known cause such as allergies or
chronic sinusitis.
Przeczytaj takrze ksiazke dr. Kwasniewskiego-optymalna dieta. On uwaza ze bol
glowy jest spowodowany zlym odzywianie.

Z zyczeniami wyleczenia, Andrzej


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