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lek z USA - szukam polskiego odpowiednika

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From: Kasek <>
Newsgroups: pl.sci.medycyna
Subject: lek z USA - szukam polskiego odpowiednika
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 14:06:53 +0200
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Ukryj nagłówki

lek z USA - szukam polskiego odpowiedika
Ponoc swietny lek na cholesterol bez recepty - "Policosanol"
Wyciag z trzciny cukrowej.
(Policosanol is a mixture of alcohols isolated and refined from sugar
cane. The main ingredient in Policosanol is octacosanol, but as the
name implies, Policosanol is actually a mixture of many (hence the
prefix "poli") alcohols, including hexacosanol, triacontanol and
Redukcja LDL o 25% i wzrost HDL o 21%. *
Super, tylko, ze pelno tego leku za dolary
w zachodnich e-aptekach, a czy jest W POLSCE
jakis lek odpowiednik?
Jesli tak to prosze o nazwe.

A double blind, placebo-controlled study of 22 patients with
hypercholesterolemia (excessive amounts of cholesterol) demonstrated
the benefits of Policosanol.[3] After eight weeks, the patients who
had been given Policosanol had a marked reduction in total cholesterol
and LDL cholesterol. A similar double blind, placebo-controlled study
on 69 patients also showed promising results. Those patients taking
10mg of policosanol daily for two years had an 18% reduction in total
cholesterol and a 25% reduction in LDL cholesterol.[4] The doctors
involved in the study were also encouraged to report that HDL
cholesterol levels had risen by 21%.
A larger patient group of 437 patients in a double-blind,
placebo-controlled study received either Policosanol or a placebo once
a day for twelve weeks. The patients who had been given Policosanol
showed a 25% reduction in LDL cholesterol, a 17% reduction in total
cholesterol, and a 28% increase in HDL cholesterol.[5] The placebo
group showed no reduction in total cholesterol. Policosanol seems to
be effective at lowering cholesterol on both men and women and in all
age groups. A study on 179 older aged people resulted in a reduction
in total cholesterol of 13% and a drop of 16% in LDL cholesterol.[6]
Also on a positive note there was a 14% increase in HDL cholesterol
and a 28% reduction in the total cholesterol to HDL ratio.
Policosanol and Healthy Hearts
Policosanol also appears to reduce the proliferation of cells in the
arteries. Healthy arteries are lined with a smooth layer of cells that
allow the blood to pass through with no resistance. Diseased arteries
become thick and overgrown with cells. As the artery narrows, blood
flow slows down or is blocked completely.
In clinical studies, Policosanol was tested for its ability to stop
the proliferation of these cells.[7] One group of researchers
concluded that "policosanol's ability to stop cell overgrowth "is in
agreement with the anti-proliferative effects reported for other
lipid-lowering drugs, such as most of the statins."[8] In fact,
Policosanol compares favorably to statin drugs. LDL and total
cholesterol lowering is similar, with policosanol performing better on
elevating HDL. A team of researchers in Chile found that 10 mg of
Policosanol reduced LDL 24% compared with 22% for lovastatin (Mevacor)
at 20 mg, and 15% for simvastatin (Zocor) at 10 mg.
Policosanol also inhibits the formation of clots, and may work
synergistically with aspirin in this respect. In a comparison of
aspirin and policosanol, aspirin was better at reducing one type of
platelet aggregation (clumping together of blood cells). But
policosanol was better at inhibiting another type. Together,
policosanol and aspirin worked better than either alone.(10,11) A
related effect is that significant reductions in the level of
thromboxane occur in humans after two weeks of policosanol.(12)
Thromboxane is a blood vessel-constricting eicosanoid produced by
Postmenopausal Women and Heart Disease
The female hormones estrogen and progesterone appear to provide a
protective effect against cardiovascular disease. As women go through
menopause and hormone levels begin to drop, there is often an
elevation of cholesterol and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
The efficacy of Policosanol was studied on a group of 224
postmenopausal women with elevated cholesterol. After the 18 week
course of the randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled study,
doctors noted that the group receiving policosanol experienced a 17%
reduction in total cholesterol, a 25% reduction in LDL cholesterol,
and a significant 29% rise in HDL cholesterol. Four serious cardiac
events occurred in the placebo group compared to none in the
policosanol group.[9]


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