Strona główna Grupy pl.sci.medycyna Dwie kobiety a miesiaczka Re: Dwie kobiety a miesiaczka


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Re: Dwie kobiety a miesiaczka

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Data: 2001-07-03 07:13:10
Temat: Re: Dwie kobiety a miesiaczka
Od: "Ann" <>
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Użytkownik "Daniel Sereno" <> napisał w wiadomości

Gdyby tak ktos to jeszcze przetlumaczyl...
Szkoda, ze nie ma polskich stron. A moze powiesz tak w najwiekszym skrocie?
Co jest przyczyna? Feromony? A jesli tak to czy mam wiecej meskich czy
zenskich, bo chyba meskie sa dominujace?

ICQ: 3455782
Gadu-Gadu: 1044633
> ----------------------------------------------------
> ----
> Dear Cecil:
> Are the workings of the female half of our species always to remain a
> mystery? One of my lady acquaintances recently relayed the following piece
> of physiological trivia, which I won't believe unless I get confirmation
> from a higher source.
> She said that when a group of females live together, their menstrual
> begin to coincide. Even harder to believe, she tells me this is because of
> scent women react to.
> Is this true? Is this phenomenon observed in women's prisons and schools?
> How come I never heard about this before? What else don't I know about
> women's bodies? --Mark D., Washington, D.C.
> Cecil replies:
> What you don't know about women's bodies is something you'd better take up
> with your girlfriend, Marko. But you heard right about "synchronous
> menstruation," as it's called.
> This amazing phenomenon was first described in 1971 by researcher Martha
> McClintock, now with the University of Chicago. Having asked around a bit,
> I'd say it's common knowledge among women, but I'll bet not one male in 50
> has ever heard of it. Women do have their little secrets.
> Synchronous menstruation has been observed among mothers, sisters, and
> daughters who live together, and sometimes among women who simply work
> together.
> McClintock tells of seven female lifeguards who started out one summer
> widely scattered periods. Three months later they were all menstruating
> within four days of one another.
> A study of 135 residents of a women's college dorm confirmed the effect.
> Most of the cycle shifting occurred within the first four months and was
> usually complete after seven months.
> Fortunately for the dorm's plumbing, the whole building didn't
> just roommates and close friends. As often as not, the women were unaware
> what had happened.
> Later research has suggested that synchrony is caused by some sort of
> cue, or pheromone.
> Scientists at the Sonoma State Hospital Brain Behavior Research Center in
> California identified several women who were believed to be menstrual
> pacesetters--they made other women conform to their cycles.
> The scientists placed cotton pads under the dominant women's arms for a
> and then wiped the pads on the upper lips of five female subjects three
> times a week. (One wonders how much the subjects got paid for this.)
> Within five months, four of the recipients were menstruating at the same
> time as their donors.
> Interestingly, men also have an effect on women's menstrual cycles--and
> just because they make women pregnant. Women who associate with males
> frequently find that their periods become shorter and more regular.
> One woman told McClintock that she had a six-month cycle length until she
> began hanging out with guys, at which point her periods began occurring
> every 4.5 weeks. When she resumed her solitary ways, her cycle lengthened
> again.
> Another round of cotton pad experiments, this time using males as donors,
> confirmed this. Having sex with a man at least once a week will also do
> trick.
> Why synchrony occurs is pretty much a total mystery. The only published
> theory I've seen treats it as an evolutionary holdover from prehistoric
> times, when it was common for men to take multiple mates and efficient
> reproduction was essential to the survival of the species.
> The author of this theory assumes that women in their brief monthly phase
> peak fertility give off some pheromonic signal that drives men wild. (The
> author, I'd be willing to bet, was either the owner of a dog or the parent
> of a teenage girl.)
> If his wives are on different cycles, hubby has a good chance of picking
> wrong one when his nose tells him it's time to go into action, thus
> precious bodily fluids. But if the women are all menstrually synchronized,
> he CAN'T pick wrong--they're all fertile.
> In short, Marko--and you can probably relate to this--synchronous
> menstruation compensates for congenital male cluelessness about women's
> bodies.
> One little problem with this theory. Surveys show sex occurs most
> around the time of menstruation, when women are LEAST fertile. So either
> theory is BS, or male cluelessness is more deep-seated than we thought.
> Dear Cecil:
> Your informational bursts usually don't blow me away, but the piece you
> on "synchronous menstruation" sure did. Quite by coincidence it meshed
> a business conversation I had the prior week with a computer company
> management functionary.
> I manage technology transfer for a university in Illinois. One of our most
> successful recent inventions is an innovation in computer monitors known
> plasma display. Their high resolution, soft orange color, and versatility
> are well suited for those who must stare at computers on a daily basis,
> i.e., engineers, designers, bank functionaries, etc.
> A company (which shall remain nameless other than the designation "Big
> Blue") has been utilizing this invention in their product line for the
> eight years or so.
> Not long after production geared up, Big Blue management noticed that the
> junk bins were filling up with rejected screens at an inordinately high
> at a certain time of the month.
> Plasma displays involve the chemical bonding of electronic circuitry to
> inside of the screen's glass face. Prior to the recent introduction of
> automated production equipment, the bonding process was done by hand by
> female assembly workers.
> Yes, Cecil, you guessed it. When Big Blue's efficiency experts got done
> number-crunching, they found that the workers' menstrual periods were
> collectively peaking at around the same time the junk bins were running
> over.
> Why? It seems that the perspiration on the fingertips of the assemblers
> became more acidic at their collective "time," which quite effectively
> screwed up the chemical bonding process.
> When people tell me the world runs on sex, I now understand what they
> mean. --Robert C., Chicago/Champaign
> Dear Robert:
> On the assumption that the Big Blue you're talking about is more commonly
> known by the initials I-B-M, I called up to check on your story, Bob.
> at IBM can recall anything about it, but they admit it might have
> Makes a good yarn, in any case.


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