Strona główna Grupy pl.sci.medycyna Choroba Cushinga Re: Choroba Cushinga


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Re: Choroba Cushinga

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Data: 2002-07-07 23:05:38
Temat: Re: Choroba Cushinga
Od: Jacek <>
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Krzysztof Pujdak wrote:
> "Jacek" <> wrote
> > Jezeli nie znasz angielskiego to wybierz linki i przetlumacze za chwile
> > komputerowa tlumaczka na polski.
> >
> > Jacek
> > Google Researcher
> Cos slaby z Ciebie Researcher ;-))))))), bo te linki sa o:
> "Cushing's Disease in Dogs"

Po co trollujesz watek.
Napisales zlosliwie i arogancko :

Pytanie bez sensu, bo zupelnie nieprecyzyjne i temat zbyt
rozlegly. To nie
jest takie proste, jak Ci sie wydaje.
Poza tym forma tego pytania jest taka, ze watpie, zeby ktos mial
ochote na nie odpowiadac.

Skoro nie zamierzales odpowiadac, to nie zasmiecaj grupy.
Podane linki dotyczyly syndromu Cushinga u psow, gdyz pytanie takiej
odpowiedzi nie wykluczalo.

Tutaj choroba Cushing'a u ludzi:
Cushing's syndrome is a hormonal disorder caused by prolonged
exposure of the body's tissues to high levels of the
hormone cortisol.
Sometimes called "hypercortisolism," it is
relatively rare and most
commonly affects adults aged 20 to 50. An estimated
10 to 15 of every
million people are affected each year.

What Are the

Symptoms vary, but most people have upper body
obesity, rounded
face, increased fat around the neck, and thinning
arms and legs.
Children tend to be obese with slowed growth rates.

Other symptoms appear in the skin, which becomes
fragile and thin. It
bruises easily and heals poorly. Purplish pink
stretch marks may appear
on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms and breasts.
The bones are
weakened, and routine activities such as bending,
lifting or rising from a
chair may lead to backaches, rib and spinal column

Most people have severe fatigue, weak muscles, high
blood pressure
and high blood sugar. Irritability, anxiety and
depression are common.

Women usually have excess hair growth on their
faces, necks, chests,
abdomens, and thighs. Their menstrual periods may
become irregular or
stop. Men have decreased fertility with diminished
or absent desire for

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