Strona główna Grupy pl.rec.ogrody Do Pana Dirko pytanie nieśmiałe Re: Do Pana Dirko pytanie nieśmiałe


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Re: Do Pana Dirko pytanie nieśmiałe

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Data: 2003-07-26 19:32:17
Temat: Re: Do Pana Dirko pytanie nieśmiałe
Od: Grzegorz Sapijaszko <>
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"Basia Kulesz" <> writes:

> No wspaniale, właśnie dzisiaj podziwiając klona palmowego
> rozmyślałam nad przycięciem gałęzi, żeby jednak drzewko z niego
> było. Rozumiem, że Funaben po cięciu obowiązkowy, a kiedy w ogóle
> ciąć można?

Cytata za: J.D. Vertrees: Japanese Maples, Timber Press, 2001:

,,Major pruning should be done during the dormant season after
leaves have fallen, from late November to early January, well
before the sap starts rising prior to leaf production in the
spring. Corrective pruning and training can be done at any time of
the year, hovever, except when sap is rising and all the plant's
energy is devoted to the emergence and development of the young
leaves. Cuts should be made just beyond a pair of buds on the
twig. Usually, this will then produce two side shoots. When
removing a larger limb, like any other pruning, the cut should be
made just above the branch collar -- the ridge or line where the
branch joins an older branch or stem. Never cut below this natural
barrier against the ingrees of disease from prunning wound. Cutting
beyond this point not only gets behind the plant's last line of
defense, it also creates an even bigger wound surface for disease
to attack. At the same time, an unnecessarily long ''stub'' should
not be left, as it provides a greater food source for any disease
to build up its strength before penetrating the tree's natural
defense system.''

Terapeutka z Dąbrowy Górniczej
Łkała: ,,Dziczeć chcesz, serce? -- to dziczej!
Grzęznąc w życia zjełczałej osełce,
Terapeucę wciąż i~terapełcę...
Duszo, spsiałaś? Zstąp niżej: zjamniczej!''
(C) Stanisław Barańczak


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