Strona główna Grupy pl.sci.medycyna Czy mikrokrystalicznsa celoluza, talk, szelak nie sa szkodliwe ? Re: Czy mikrokrystaliczna celuloza, talk, szelak nie sa szkodliwe ?


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Re: Czy mikrokrystaliczna celuloza, talk, szelak nie sa szkodliwe ?

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Data: 2002-02-01 11:10:37
Temat: Re: Czy mikrokrystaliczna celuloza, talk, szelak nie sa szkodliwe ?
Od: Dariusz <>
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Lukasz Komsta wrote:
> Dariusz wrote:
> > Obawiam sie, ze posliznales sie na temacie.
> Jeśli już, to poślizGnąłem.
> > Tutaj raport nt. toksycznosci talku
> > Q. Why is talc harmful?
> >
> > [bla bla bla]
> > Chicago, IL 60612
> Przeczytaj jeszcze raz to, co wkleiłeś i znajdź fragment, który mówi o
> toksyczności talku drogą doustną, w ilościach miligramowych. Jak na
> razie, to rozmawiamy o spożywaniu tabletek, a nie ich wdychaniu i
> posypywaniu się nimi.
Nie mowie o zadnych tabletkach. Ani o talku w tabletkach.
Przeciez przedstawione raporty omawiaja karcerogennosc talku
wloknistego, gdyz talk jest bardzo podobny do azbestu i sa 2 jego formy.
Jedna azbestopodobna, a druga azbestoniepodobna, czyli nie wloknista.

Azbest też jest szkodliwy, ale chodzi tu o jego
> wdychanie, a nie spożywanie.
Musze cie rozczarowac.
Azbest jest takze szkodliwy po spozyciu.

Widze ze znow usiles sie pozliznac po temacie.
Forma posliznac jest prawidlowa.

Ale skoro jak widze nie znasz tematu, to proponuje abys sie juz nie
odzywal, jezeli masz choc odrobine wstydu.

Ladujesz w mordpliku.

Dla zainteresowanych nt. talku:

Tutaj raport nt. toksycznosci talku
Q. Why is talc harmful?

A. Talc is closely related to the potent carcinogen asbestos.
Talc particles have been shown to
cause tumors in the ovaries and lungs of cancer victims. For
the last 30 years, scientists have
closely scrutinized talc particles and found dangerous
similarities to asbestos. Responding to this
evidence in 1973, the FDA drafted a resolution that would
limit the amount of asbestos-like fibers
in cosmetic grade talc. However, no ruling has ever been made
and today, cosmetic grade talc
remains non-regulated by the federal government. This
inaction ignores a 1993 National
Toxicology Program report which found that cosmetic grade
talc, without any asbestos-like fibers,
caused tumors in animal subjects.1 Clearly with or without
asbestos-like fibers, cosmetic grade
talcum powder is a carcinogen.

Q. What kind of exposure is dangerous?

A. Talc is toxic. Talc particles cause tumors in human
ovaries and lungs. Numerous studies have
shown a strong link between frequent use of talc in the
female genital area and ovarian cancer.
Talc particles are able to move through the reproductive
system and become imbedded in the lining
of the ovary. Researchers have found talc particles in
ovarian tumors and have found that women
with ovarian cancer have used talcum powder in their genital
area more frequently than healthy

Talc poses a health risk when exposed to the lungs. Talc
miners have shown higher rates of lung
cancer and other respiratory illnesses from exposure to
industrial grade talc, which contains
dangerous silica and asbestos. The common household hazard
posed by talc is inhalation of baby
powder by infants. Since the early 1980s, records show that
several thousand infants each year
have died or become seriously ill following accidental
inhalation of baby powder.3

Q. What about infants?

A. Talc is used on babies because it absorbs unpleasant
moisture. Clearly, dusting with talcum
powder endangers an infant's lungs at the prospect of
inhalation. Exposing children to this
carcinogen is unnecessary and dangerous.


1. Do not buy or use products containing talc. It is
especially important that women not apply
talc to underwear or sanitary pads.

2. Contact your pediatrician and/or local hospital and find
out if they have a policy regarding
talc use and infants.

3. Write to the FDA and express your concern that a proven
carcinogen has remained
unregulated while millions of people is unknowingly exposed.


Cancer Prevention Coalition c/o School of Public Health
University of Illinois Medical Center
2121 West Taylor Street
Chicago, IL 60612


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