Strona główna Grupy pl.sci.medycyna Re: Dlaczego Optymalni nie sa sektą? Re: Pszemol adwokatem Atkinsa - do czego to doszło! :-)


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Re: Pszemol adwokatem Atkinsa - do czego to doszło! :-)

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Data: 2000-08-09 05:34:05
Temat: Re: Pszemol adwokatem Atkinsa - do czego to doszło! :-)
Od: "Pszemol" <>
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LLeszek <> w artykule pisze...
> The Atkins program is very often confused with its initial phase,
> called Induction, when carbohydrate intake is most. strictly curtailed.
> In reality, four increasingly liberal dietary plans follow each other
> in a series of seamless stages that eventually become a new way
> of eating you can adopt permanently
> 4. Lifetime Maintenance
> Once you arrive at your goal weight, offer yourself some well-deserved
> congratulations and prepare for a lifetime of slimness. When you have
> totally stopped your weight loss, your appetite will increase toward its
> normal level. For this reason, your Lifetime Maintenance program will still
> be fairly restrictive of carbohydrate foods. You'll need to find your own
> Critical Carbohydrate Level for Maintenance (CCLM), meaning the level at
> which you neither gain nor lose weight. At this level, you will still
> restrict carbohydrates enough to curb some of your appetite. For most
> people, this ranges between 40 and 100 grams of carbs a day--still
> considerably less than the 300 grams the typical American consumes in a
> single day!
> To ze strony internetowej Atkinsa. Chyba nie przeczytałeś wszystkiego

Świetnie, że zacytowałeś ten fragment (szkoda, że po angielsku)
ale powiedz mi jeszcze dokładnie co Ci się nie zgadza w tym co
napisałem? Czego "nie przeczytałem" Twoim zdaniem?


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